Nicolò Bindi (1991) si è laureato in Filologia Moderna all’Università degli studi di Pisa, discutendo una tesi su “Teoria e pratica del futurismo. Palazzeschi, Marinetti, Soffici”. Interessato principalmente agli aspetti stilistici, metrici e linguistici, sta concentrando le sue ricerche letterarie soprattutto sugli autori delle avanguardie storiche e del modernismo italiano ed europeo. Collabora con diverse associazioni culturali. È docente presso l'Istituto "Francesco Datini" di Prato.
This essay has the purpose to analyse the politic positions of T.S. Eliot, according to his thoughts about society, religion and human being. I studied three works published in the years between 1932 and 1939: Coriolan (1932), Chorus from “The Rock” (1936) and The idea of a Christian society (1939). It’s a period of political crisis in Europe: in 1933 Hitler becomes chancellor in Germany, in 1939 the second world war begins. In his works Eliot analyses the problems of the occidental societies. He tries to propose an alternative model, inspired by an idea of continuous and eternal Christianity, but also moulded to the changing of time.
Keywords: Eliot, society, Coriolan, Christian, Europe.
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