Nato nel 1990, si interessa di storia, filosofia, geopolitica e politica internazionale. Laureato in Scienze storiche e della documentazione storica nel 2016 presso l’Università degli studi di Bari con una tesi sull'integrazione europea nel contesto della decolonizzazione, collabora con “Eurasia. Rivista di studi geopolitici”, presso la quale è autore. Attualmente assolve al ruolo di operatore museale nell'ambito di un progetto di Servizio Civile Nazionale presso un museo archeologico nazionale.

The present study consists of six parts. A first introductory part tries to make an historical and ideological summary of the contemporary imperialistic phenomenon. The first paragraph continues with an examination of the concept of social imperialism, looking for concrete examples of its historical application, in parallel with the theory of the “double liberal standard” and the contradictory relationship between liberal idealism and colonial praxis. The second paragraph is dedicated to an in-depth analysis of the cardinal concept of colonial self-government, as the cornerstone of the imperialist concept. The third seeks to develop the relationship between liberal thought and colonial question by analyzing the various positions of liberal authors and philosophers. In the fourth chapter a parallelism is developed between the theory of the “double liberal standard” and Herrenvolk democracy. The final summary section proposes a synthesis of the contradiction relating to liberal thought, dedicating some brief notes to a comparison between colonialist practices of bourgeois regimes and colonial practice of monarchical regimes.

Keywords: Liberalism, Democracy, Colonialism, Darwinism, Slavery.

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