Professore di Storia moderna

Nato nel 1982, nel 2012 ha concluso il Dottorato di ricerca in Storia e letteratura dell’età moderna e contemporanea (XXIII ciclo) presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, discutendo una tesi dal titoloIl fascismo, i culti a-cattolici e le religioni dell’Oriente nelle riviste del regime (1922-1943). Dal 2008 al 2013 ha collaborato con varie cattedre dell’Università degli Studi eCampus. Dal 2013 insegna Storia moderna presso l’Università degli Studi eCampus.

Defining its ideology, Fascism tried to dialogue with religions thanks to the presumed spiritual nature of its doctrine and mysticism. The entry Fascism in the Enciclopedia italiana of 1932 and the conference of fascist mysticism of 1940 were attempts to describe fascism as a secular religion, an objective for which the regime also used official political magazines such as «Gerarchia». There, in the column Speculum – Cronache del pensiero religioso, between 1923 and 1938 an unknown editor who signed himself under the pseudonym of Fermi drew a ‘syncretic project’ for the achievement of harmony, or better unity, among the religious faiths present in the Italian nation, later changing it in a project for the unity among the Christian Churches alone. This utopian project confirmed the regime’s profound but instrumental attention to the religious sphere and the fascist interpretation of the crisis of modernity as a spiritual crisis that fascism would have solved.

Keywords: Secularization, Fascist Mysticism, «Gerarchia», Conciliation, Syncretism.

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