Professore di Storia e Politica Sociale

Doctor en Historia y Política social y Director de la revista La Razón histórica. Profesor de la Universidad de Murcia (España).

Red and black, communism and fascism. The philosopher Georges Sorel understood the differences and similarities of both ideological and symbolic paradigms, in their different modalities, of the interwar era. In both Sorel he saw a common cause, a shared potential and a similar revolutionary instrument, destined, mutatis mutandis, to the partial or total destruction of the multiform liberal–bourgeois system inherited from the nineteenth century. Both the various bets for the proclaimed Redemptive Socialist Revolution of the proletariat, as well as the various options of a nationalist almost parallel Conservative Revolution, presented the same historical reason. Reason marked, and perhaps staged, by the “symbol”: the symbol to be destroyed in its decadence (liberal–bourgeois democracy) and the symbol to build the new socialism (revolutionary violence). For that reason, his controversial doctrinal pluralism, that combined proposals of both spheres of the ideological spectrum (supposedly antagonistic for the historiography), was not an enigma nor a contradiction, and its proposal of the revolutionary Syndicalism, from the myth of the moral and working violence, something oblivious to his time.

Keywords: Communism, Fascism, Myth, Revolutionary Syndicalism, Sorel, Violence.

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