Daniela Coli è PhD EUI, docente universitario, ha pubblicato: La modernità di Thomas Hobbes, il Mulino, 1994; Il filosofo, i libri, gli editori. Croce, Laterza e la cultura europea, ES, 2001 (1° ed. il Mulino); Giovanni Gentile, il Mulino, 2004; Hobbes, Roma e Machiavelli nell’Inghilterra degli Stuart, Le Lettere, 2009; Gentile and Modernity, in B. Haddock, J.Wakefield (eds), Thought Thinking: the Philosophy of Giovanni Gentile, “Collingwood and British Studies”, vol XX, 2014, pp. 133-166; Descodificando a Maquiavelo, in S. Schmidt, A. Hermosa (coordinatores),Nicolàs Maquiavelo a 500 años de El Principe, Puebla, El Errante, 2015, pp. 59–99.

This paper starts from the relationship between Hobbes and history to explore the different approaches to 20th century history in the United Kingdom and in Italy and uses the most recent historiography on the FirstWorldWar in the Middle East and books like those of Niall Ferguson and James Barr to better frame the war that in Italy was generally considered as the accomplishment of the Risorgimento. It also examines Quentin Skinner’s methodology regarding the history of political thought and the relationship between history and politics and the theory of invention of the tradition of Eric Hobsbawm to analyze the different interpretations of the Risorgimento and the Resistance in Italy.

Keywords: history, politics, Great Britain, Italy, war.

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