Giovanna Lenti è Dottore in filosofia presso l’Università degli studi di Siena con tesi “Carl Schmitt, la guerra, il nemico, il diritto internazionale”; componente della Consulta nazionale di bioetica, collaboratrice del Secolo d’Italia per la rubrica “osservatorio etico-religioso” e della rivista «Agorà. Periodico di cultura siciliana». Nel 2016 ha pubblicato Los presupuestos de la política: amigo/enemigo en C. Schmitt, in Pablo de Tarso y a cultura ocidental, la teologia politica, Carl Schmitt y Jacob Taubes, per la Fundacion Orotava de Historia de la Ciencia; nel 2017 Aristóteles y la democracia, in Aristotelesy los saberes, per la Fundacion Orotava de Historia de la Ciencia. Di prossima pubblicazione: Le manipolazioni della storia: Colombo, Fundacion Orotava de Historia de la Ciencia.

Reading the Apostles Acts and the Paul from Tarso Epistles, it is possible to evaluate Paul from Tarso as a first politician. His political theology plan will inspire the fusion between the political power and religion. Later, in Medieval ages, Marsilio from Padua sustained that the emperor is the only responsible to ensure the peace, even if the peace is the Christianity core showed by the Church. Machiavelli, during the Rinascimento age, has divided the secular power from temporal power, subtracting the Christian charity from policy. During the XX century, the concept of political theology, has been the argument of Carl Schmitt. He, wrote regarding the dissolution of ius publicum europeum, preparing the next arriving ofWicked. TheWicked, is the core of the debate of political theology of the author. The suggestion is that two powers (Christianity and policy) will be reunited in order to combat theWicked.

Keywords: Political theology, Paul from Tarso, Katechon, Ius Publicum Europeum, Defensor Pacis.

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