Professore Emerito

A. James Gregor (1929–2019): è stato Professore Emerito di Scienze Politiche all’Università di Berkeley, in California. Ha pubblicato trenta volumi accademici che trattano del fascismo come fenomeno storico e come concetto delle scienze sociali. È stato Fellow del Center for Advanced Studies in Social Science presso la Hebrew University di Gerusalemme e docente a contratto presso il Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti. È stato insignito del titolo di Cavaliere dell’Ordine al merito dal governo della Repubblica Italiana. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Mussolini’s Intellectuals. Fascist Social and Political Thought (Princeton 2006; trad. it.: Gli intellettuali di Mussolini. Il pensiero sociale e politico del fascismo, Lecce 2016); Fascism and History. Chapter in concept formation, Cambridge 2019.

The text speaks about the fascist pedagogical policy focused on the “open to young people” seen as the potential future ruling class of the Nation. Fascism had been able to perceive and intercept the distress of veterans and students disappointed and indifferent to the liberal policies of the time. Through its main organizations, the Opera Nazionale Balilla, first, and the Gioventù Italiana del Littorio, then, reduced the authority of every other cultural and scholastic institution, in particular religious ones, present in the country thus perpetrating their ideological structures.
Attention to the educational aspect, at every moment of growth, was functional to the palingenetic myth of the new man wanted by Mussolini, which was to signify a profound cultural and moral renewal for the country.

Keywords: Juvenilism, Avant-garde, ONB, GIL, New Man, Kalokagathìa.

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