Giornalista professionista

Stelio Fergola, nato a Napoli nel 1981, è giornalista professionista e si occupa di Storia moderna e contemporanea. Laureatosi in Scienze Politiche e Relazioni Internazionali con una tesi dal titolo Dall'illusione del benessere alla stagnazione: l'URSS negli anni di Breznev, ha lavorato per il quotidiano il Roma di Napoli. Nel 2016 dirige il giornale online Azione Culturale.Dal 2017 è direttore e co-fondatore del giornale, nonché progetto editoriale e culturale Oltre la Linea. Il suo ultimo lavoro è La cultura della morte. Aborto, eutanasia e nuovo vangelo progressista (La Vela, 2017).

As the sociologist Marcello Veneziani pointedly observed, “Paolo Villaggio was the Karl Marx of the employees and Fantozzi is his Lenin”. Leaving aside the synthetic nature of the observation, there is no doubt that a certain cultural vision of the communist left has undergone an evident metamorphosis precisely in the years in which artistic contents similar to those of the popular Genoese actor were affirmed. And this would also be reflected in the electoral audience to which the Italian Communist Party itself during Enrico Berlinguer’s secretariat, referred. The Italian communist – but we would dare to say western – in the seventies would in fact have turned out to be less proletarian and more and more middle-class, and his nature of submission to the capitalist master less and less material but more “spiritual”. In the natural wealth of data and consequent considerations that arose, the ideological metamorphosis of an entire world view was evidently evident, initiating processes that, in a very short time, would have been irreversible.

Keywords: Socialism, Communism, Working Class, Middle Class, Alienation.

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